Everyone knows that shopping for shoes can be tricky – you never know if your regular size is going to fit just right or not.

Finding the right size for your footwear can be difficult – not all sizes are created equal when it comes to different brands and fits. Endlessly sifting through different brands and sizes can end up feeling like a spend fest.

The reality of buying footwear is that each brand seems to have their own sizing guides. How do you know which shoe will actually fit and feel comfortable?

With the 3Dfits app, you can easily and accurately determine your shoe size across multiple brands so that you can rest assured that the shoes you purchase will fit perfectly.

This eliminates the guessing game of finding the right size and makes it quicker, easier, and more efficient for shoppers to find their perfect fit.

Not only does it determine the correct size for your feet, but it also tells you which size works for you depending on the brand!

The 3Dfits app is also the perfect solution for reducing returns and minimizing unnecessary waste.

By ensuring that people get the correct size, brands can decrease return rates, save money on shipping costs, and reduce environmental impact from packaging.

What’s more, shoppers don’t have to worry about being stuck with shoes that don’t fit – they can find the perfect fit everytime with 3Dfits!

So when it comes to finding your correct footwear size, let the 3Dfits app be your guide and shop with confidence.

Where do all those shoes you return end up?

Last year, Footwear News reported that there were actually footwear shortages due to supply chain issues.

The struggle for obtaining the perfect shoe was that much harder. On top of supply shortages… would you even know if you were getting the best fitting shoe?

Probably not. However, using a 3Dfits app is beneficial not only for efficiency but also sustainability.

Rather than promoting free and easy returns, online stores should focus more on helping customers find the right products. There is no denying that returns are bad for the environment. Sending things back and forth creates avoidable greenhouse gas emissions.

A staggering amount of packaging is not recycled every year, and an overflow of returned goods clogs up our landfills. These mountains of trash now pollute deserts across the world, from Ghana to Chile. Many retailers also destroy returned items to make sure that their brands maintain a high value!

European Amazon sites send about a billion items to the landfill each year. This is something that resulted in France passing a law that makes it illegal to destroy unsold consumer goods.

In its own investigation of Amazon’s return practices, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) recently purchased and returned 12 items from Amazon Canada.

They found that only four items were resold while the “perfectly good” items ended up in a landfill.

According to a 2020 study, 60% of shoppers have bought more than one item with the intention of returning at least some of them.

So, how exactly does returning goods harm the planet?

Did you know that the emissions from returning items annually creates more carbon dioxide emissions than 3 million cars? In the US, return shipping emits over 15 metric tons of carbon dioxide each year. Most individuals believe that when an item is returned to a store, it is simply put back on the shelves for other people to buy.

However, that’s not always accurate.

Because damage often occurs during return shipping or while unpacking returned items for inspection before putting them back on the shelves, it’s more likely that resellers will ship these products in new packaging. It’s estimated that only about half of all packaging is recycled.

Since manufacturers assume a good portion of their products will be trashed, this creates a lot of waste. Companies often produce more items than they expect to sell, resulting in plenty of “keepers” in popular sizes and models.

Unfortunately, it’s difficult to estimate how much waste is leftover from this intentional overproduction.

Using the 3Dfits app can help to reduce this waste and sustainability issues. Not only does it provide more accuracy when finding footwear, but it also allows customers to accurately determine their size before purchase. This helps to reduce the number of returns due to incorrect sizing which reduces packaging waste, shipping costs, and overall environmental impact. With 3Dfits, you can shop for shoes with confidence and peace of mind knowing that sustainability is at the forefront of your purchase decision!

3Dfits to the rescue: Reducing Guesswork and the Need to Return

Get 3Dfits today!

Change the way you shop online for footwear forever.

Using 3Dfits is a sustainability victory for shoppers, brands, and the environment. Rather than guessing the fit of your shoes or returning them if they don’t fit right, use 3Dfits and find the perfect fit every time! You’ll save time and money while helping to reduce your carbon footprint. With 3Dfits, you never have to worry about finding the wrong size ever again.

By having an accurate shoe size measurement from the start, shoppers are less likely to return items or buy different sizes in order to try them on – this reduces returns and minimizes unnecessary waste. Additionally, using a 3Dfits app helps ensure that shoppers are buying the correct size – this means that there is less need for exchanges or returns, not only does this help save you time and money, it also helps protect our environment by minimizing unnecessary waste.

Using a 3Dfits app to find your perfect shoe size is an efficient way to shop for shoes and also helps reduce returns and minimize unnecessary waste. By having access to an accurate measurement of their shoe size, shoppers can be sure they’re getting the right fit and won’t have to guess when it comes to finding their perfect pair of shoes.