As an athlete, runner or health enthusiast you may think that wearing a shoe size that is close enough is good enough.

Unfortunately, the reality of poorly fitting shoes can cause long-term health consequences for your feet and posture.

From blisters and bunions to shin splints and back pain, ill-fitting shoes can put your body under undue strain.

In this blog post we’ll uncover the dangerous truth behind wearing the wrong shoe size and explore how to ensure that your footwear fits correctly so you stay active and healthy for years to come.

The Dangers of Wearing the Wrong Size Shoes

The idea that one shoe size fits everyone is a widely-held belief. However, this is not always the case, especially when it comes to shoes that are too small or too large.

Shoes that are too small can cause a number of problems for the wearer, including blisters, calluses, and even bunions. Shoes that are too large can be just as dangerous, as they can cause the wearer to trip and fall.

In order to ensure that you are wearing the right size shoes, it is important to know your shoe size between different brands. A task that can be time-consuming and tedious.

Typically, when you’re unsure of what size shoes you should be wearing, you end up asking a sales associate at your local shoe store for help. Wearing the wrong shoe size can not only be uncomfortable, but it can also be dangerous.

Even when ordering online, shopping for footwear can be very frustrating.

How to ensure your footwear fits correctly

To ensure your footwear fits like a glove, size selection is paramount. But all too often people commit the common blunder of buying shoes that are either too small for their feet or far too large – leading to an uncomfortable experience and potentially hazardous wear and tear over time.

To avoid this dilemma, download the 3Dfits app beforehand so you can find precisely what you’re looking for along with the correct size. When trying on new shoes make sure there’s plenty of wiggle room at the toes without them feeling overly tight or loose around other areas.

Benefits of buying your shoes online with 3Dfits

Shopping for shoes online has become a popular trend in recent years. There are many advantages to shopping for shoes online, including convenience, affordability, and a wider selection of styles and sizes. Convenience is seemingly one of the biggest advantages of online shoe shopping.

You can shop for shoes from the comfort of your own home, without having to fight traffic or search through racks of shoes in a crowded store. You can also easily compare prices and find the best deals online.

But what happens when you end up with the wrong size?

Suddenly, the time you saved shopping online is used on running returns. One simple online purchase ends up with either wasting time at the post office or at the retailer. Even if you were saving money on the purchase, you can lose that savings with restocking fees and gas prices.

Ending up with the wrong size can damage more than your wallet. Wearing the wrong shoe size can cause many problems, from foot pain to posture.

Make sure you are getting the right fit by following our tips and using 3Dfits. This technology is changing the way we shop for shoes, and provides a more accurate sizing experience that can save you time and money in the long run. Get instant shoe-sizing from this revolutionary app.

Just download, snap a pic on your smartphone and voila ― you’re good to go shopping for that new pair! It’s so fast and easy it will leave you wondering how you ever shopped for shoes without it.

So what are you waiting for? Download 3Dfits today!

Get 3Dfits today!

Change the way you shop online for footwear forever.